tiivii livestreamed a VR event in Japan

The event, streamed on 24 February, consisted of two live broadcasts promoting the Kamui mountain area near the city of Asahikawa on the island of Hokkaido, Japan, incorporating virtual reality and automated video production by tiivii.

An OKI concert, a traditional Japanese stringed instrument, was livestreamed through tiivii, as well as capturing some of the most beautiful spots in the area to sponsor the tourist area in 360VR.

For the broadcasting, a website https://kamuimtg360.tiivii.com/ was created, allowing the user to select either the 360VR broadcast or the OKI concert.

* The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 954040.

11 Jul 2024

The Galician Sports Television has 30 venues installed and ready to start broadcasting at the beginning of the 24-25 season.

The Galician Sports Television is now underway. Thirty installations have already been completed throughout Galicia.
11 Jun 2024

The Real Federación Gallega de Fútbol and Cinfo come together to launch the Galician Sports television

The RFGF and Cinfo have announced at the “O Camiño do Futgal” congress the signing of an agreement to launch the Galician sports television during the 24-25 season. 
06 May 2024

redondela OTT launch

Redondela’s City Council has renewed its entire digital offering. It has launched a new website, a citizen app, a new multimedia OTT platform, and has equipped several of the city’s sports venues with an automatic production system based on cameras controlled by Artificial Intelligence.