The tiivii automatic broadcasting system will be installed in the Arteixo’s Sports Venue

cinfo and Arteixo Town Council have reached an agreement to install tiivii, an automatic broadcasting system for sporting events, in the town’s Sports Venue during the summer with the aim of starting it up at the beginning of the sporting season.

The pavilion, where indoor football, volleyball, basketball and handball are played, will have seven cameras, two central robotic cameras to monitor the game and close-ups, one panoramic camera, two side cameras to be able to show mini-basketball matches, as well as a camera at each end. With this system, it will be possible to broadcast live events without the need for the recording teams to travel, significantly enhancing the versatility of the venue by making use of intelligent cameras that produce quality events in a matter of minutes.

cinfo’s product allows the game to be followed automatically, as well as focusing on any individual player as each camera in the venue is autonomously governed by its own Artificial Intelligence (AI) agent. Furthermore, thanks to its cloud-based production studio, a professional remote production of each match can be made, including support for graphics, voiceovers, advertising, scoreboards, real-time replays and 180-degree vision for virtual reality glasses, which can be used according to the needs of each event.

The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 954040.

11 Jul 2024

The Galician Sports Television has 30 venues installed and ready to start broadcasting at the beginning of the 24-25 season.

The Galician Sports Television is now underway. Thirty installations have already been completed throughout Galicia.
11 Jun 2024

The Real Federación Gallega de Fútbol and Cinfo come together to launch the Galician Sports television

The RFGF and Cinfo have announced at the “O Camiño do Futgal” congress the signing of an agreement to launch the Galician sports television during the 24-25 season. 
06 May 2024

redondela OTT launch

Redondela’s City Council has renewed its entire digital offering. It has launched a new website, a citizen app, a new multimedia OTT platform, and has equipped several of the city’s sports venues with an automatic production system based on cameras controlled by Artificial Intelligence.