tiivii will be installed in the O Couto stadium with Orange 5G for TVG broadcasts

Mar Pereira, Director of the Axencia para a Modernización Tecnolóxica de Galicia (Amtega), accompanied by the Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructure, Roberto Sánchez, attended today in Santiago de Compostela the official presentation of the Temporary Joint Venture (UTE) formed by Orange, Cinfo, Gammera Nest, Optare Solutions to collaborate in the development of various proofs of concept around the future 5G technology. Luz Usamentiaga, Director General of IR, Regulation, External Communication, CSR and the Orange Foundation, was also present at the event.

This project has a budget of 9 million euros and other agents are collaborating in it, such as the Xunta de Galicia, the City Council of Santiago, the Galician Health Service, the University of Vigo, the Port of Vigo, the Galician Radio and Television Corporation, Escola de Enxeñería de Telecomunicación, Armadora Pereira, Grupo Agroamb, Albo, Eleko and Intel. Its objective is to search for new applications for this new technological standard.

These extraordinary advances make it possible to experiment with a wide range of new services, which will benefit different productive sectors of the economy and will provide a decisive boost to the digital transformation of society and the business fabric in Spain. So much so that studies by the European Commission estimate that the introduction of 5G in the automotive, health, transport and utilities industries alone could bring indirect benefits of 14,600 million euros by 2025 in our country, in addition to a significant positive impact on job creation.

Among the tests being implemented in Spain for the future application of 5G are the 13 actions presented today, the content and objectives of which can be consulted on the website: https://5gpilotosgalicia.orange.es/.

These experiences are part of the National 5G Plan, the programme for the development of 5G technology pilot projects carried out by the public business entity Red.es, promoted by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The aim of this Plan, which has continuity in the 5G Technology Promotion Strategy, is to stimulate the definition and implementation of multiple use cases of this technology through the constitution of an ecosystem of technological partners, who will join forces in order to accelerate the process to make the so-called “digital economy” a reality in the near future.

5G technology opens up great opportunities for development, progress and a sustainable future thanks to the remarkable improvements it brings in features such as speed and bandwidth (with speeds of over 100 Mb/s and peaks of up to 1 Gb/s), ultra-low latency (around 1 millisecond, compared to 20-30 ms for 4G networks) or capacity of connected devices (with millions of them in real time).

“A new field of activity is opening up that will revolutionise the way we connect and of which we do not yet know even a fraction of its full potential. Orange is a decisive player in this revolution and, for this reason, we are working on different experiences and projects in Galicia through which we are experimenting and developing future services such as these that we are presenting today, together with our UTE partners, in 360º tourism with virtual reality, expert remote support and control of handling plants, education 4.0 or video surveillance. In short, 5G technology opens up a universe of possibilities that now seems almost infinite, and those of us who are participating in the development of these experiences that we are presenting today want to play a leading role in exploring them”, says Luz Usamentiaga, General Manager of Regulation, IR, External Communication, CSR and Fundación Orange.

11 Jul 2024

The Galician Sports Television has 30 venues installed and ready to start broadcasting at the beginning of the 24-25 season.

The Galician Sports Television is now underway. Thirty installations have already been completed throughout Galicia.
11 Jun 2024

The Real Federación Gallega de Fútbol and Cinfo come together to launch the Galician Sports television

The RFGF and Cinfo have announced at the “O Camiño do Futgal” congress the signing of an agreement to launch the Galician sports television during the 24-25 season. 
06 May 2024

redondela OTT launch

Redondela’s City Council has renewed its entire digital offering. It has launched a new website, a citizen app, a new multimedia OTT platform, and has equipped several of the city’s sports venues with an automatic production system based on cameras controlled by Artificial Intelligence.