cinfo initiates the installation of an automatic production system for sports events with artificial intelligence and 5G in the O Couto Stadium

  • The installation of this project developed by cinfo, Ericsson and Orange, with the collaboration of Televisión de Galicia, allows to exploit all possible applications of 5G network capacity in the broadcasting of sporting events
  • The use of 5G and cinfo’s tiivii product increases the possibilities in live event broadcasting by reducing costs, providing ultra-fast network coverage and giving greater flexibility of use to the sports facility

cinfo, a leading Spanish company in automatic production technologies, is carrying out the installation works of its automatic production system with artificial intelligence applied to the broadcasting of live sports events in the O Couto Stadium (Ourense) for Televisión de Galicia (TVG), offering the channel new ways of producing, in a more digital, interactive and faster way, which will result in a better public service for the Galician public. The system will be installed by the end of August and the first broadcasts will follow.

Developed in partnership with Ericsson and Orange and with the collaboration of TVG, by deploying ultra-fast, low latency 5G coverage in the stadium area through the installation of a 5G node (gNodeB), co-located with an LTE node (eNodeB) serving the nearby area, this project will enable the implementation of all possible 5G network capacity applications for the broadcasting of sporting events through the use of tiivii, cinfo’s automatic TV production product.

tiivii is a product designed for the generation of content and audiovisual production of events that allows the quick and easy creation from scratch of its own TV channel that allows the automatic broadcasting of streaming events without the need to move on-site recording equipment. It also has a cloud-based production studio that can produce high-quality, scalable events combined with artificial intelligence for real-time detection of people, objects and scene classification.

Among the functionalities of this product we can highlight the multi-camera production, with the possibility of having different cameras simultaneously in which the viewer can choose at any time what he/she wants to see, the insertion of markers, graphics and advertising, as well as announcers or replays in real time and advanced tactical analysis tools.

This initiative is part of the 5G National Plan, the programme for the development of 5G technology pilot projects implemented by Red. es, promoted by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and the implementation of this pilot project by the joint venture formed by cinfo, Ericsson, Orange, Gammera Nest and Optare Solutions will allow, among other things, to reduce production costs, support local sport, reduce the time to carry out events and the possibility of creating other services with the same investment, both for the broadcaster and for the owner and users of the installation, as it has greater flexibility of applications than traditional installations.

The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 954040.

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